在 javascript 或 momentjs 中获取给定的日期格式(指定格式的字符串)

2022-01-15 00:00:00 format parsing date javascript momentjs


Given a datestring, how can I get the format string describing that datestring?

换一种说法,如果没有传递要使用的显式格式,我如何获取 Date() 或 MomentJS(可能每个都不同,这很好)用来解析该日期字符串的格式字符串?

Put another way, how can I get the format string that Date() or MomentJS (might be different for each, that's fine) would use to parse that datestring if one didn't pass an explicit format to use?

所以给定 '2016-01-01' 它应该输出类似 'YYYY-MM-DD' 的内容,例如.

So given '2016-01-01' it should output something like 'YYYY-MM-DD', for example.


(I am aware this is a simple question and may have an answer somewhere, but it is difficult to word concisely, so I could only find questions and answers about how to parse datestrings or how to display dates. None about how to output the format itself.)


整合来自 Matt Johnson 的回答的信息,一些评论,以及我自己的贡献.

Consolidating information from Matt Johnson's answer, some comments, and my own contribution.

使用 Moment.js(版本 2.10.7+),您可以使用 Creation数据 API.Node.js 中的类似内容:

With Moment.js (version 2.10.7+), you can use the Creation Data API. Something like this in Node.js:

moment('2016-01-01 00:00:00').creationData().format


'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'


Just as any date parsing is, there is ambiguity about the format of many datestrings due to things such as locale (the order of months and days are switched between the US and Europe, for example). But the above method is sufficient for me.
