允许手动输入的 Firefox 地理定位提供程序

是否有任何简单的方法来覆盖 geolocation api 的默认行为并且只是硬编码你现在的位置?

Are there any easy ways to override the default behaviors of the geolocation api and just hard code your current location?


I think this would be useful for testing and for privacy reasons (providing fake location data)

我以为有一个附加功能,但我似乎找不到.现在唯一的选择似乎是将 about:config geo.wifi.url 更改为一些替代网络服务,我认为这过于复杂.

I thought there was an add on for this but I can't seem to find one. Only option right now seems to be changing the about:config geo.wifi.url to some alternative webservice, which I consider overly complicated.





Somebody implements an add-on where a google map appears and I can pick a new default location.


geo.wifi.uri 不需要是 web 服务.您也可以使用 file://...

The geo.wifi.uri does not need to be a webservice. You can also set it to a local uri with file://...


The file should be a json file with content like this:

{"location": {
              "latitude": 48.777025000000002, 
              "longitude": 9.1713909999999998, 
              "accuracy": 10.0}}

更新:对于 Firefox 9+,格式已更改:

Update: For Firefox 9+, the format has changed:

    "status": "OK",
    "accuracy": 10.0,
    "location": {"lat": 48.777, "lng": 9.171}


Or you can combine them to support both:

    "status": "OK",
    "accuracy": 10.0,
    "location": {
        "lat": 48.777,
        "lng": 9.171,
        "latitude": 48.777,
        "longitude": 9.171,
        "accuracy": 10.0

更新:看起来手动设置此首选项被假设为 Google 服务的提供商阻止.请参阅 错误 716453更新 2: geo.wifi.uri 不是 geo.wifi.url

Update: it looks like manually setting this preference is blocked by the provider assuming the Google service. See Bug 716453 Update 2: geo.wifi.uri not geo.wifi.url
