Selenium:无法理解 xPath

我有一些这样的 HTML:

I have some HTML like this:

<h4 class="box_header clearfix">
<a rel="dialog" href="">Search</a>
<a rel="dialog" href="">Search</a>

我正在尝试使用 Selenium 在 Java 中获取 href.我尝试了以下方法:

I am trying to get the href here in Java using Selenium. I have tried the following:

selenium.getText("xpath=/descendant::h4[@class='box_header clearfix']/");
selenium.getAttribute("xpath=/descendant::h4[@class='box_header clearfix']/");

但这些都不起作用.它一直抱怨我的 xpath 无效.谁能告诉我我做错了什么?

But none of these work. It keeps complaining that my xpath is invalid. Can someone tell me what mistake I am doing?


你应该使用getAttribute来获取链接的href.您的 XPath 需要对最终节点的引用以及所需的属性.以下应该有效:

You should use getAttribute to get the href of the link. Your XPath needs a reference to the final node, plus the required attribute. The following should work:

selenium.getAttribute("xpath=/descendant::h4[@class='box_header clearfix']/a@href");

您还可以修改您的 XPath,使其更改更加灵活,甚至使用 CSS 来定位元素:

You could also modify your XPath so that it's a bit more flexible to change, or even use CSS to locate the element:

//modified xpath

//css locator
selenium.getAttribute("css=.box_header a@href");
