在 selenium 中加载包含有用测试功能的外部 js 文件

selenium 中的 runScript 命令真的很有用,我用它来汇总表中的值,然后像这样存储值

The runScript command in selenium is really useful, and I'm using it to total values in a table and then store the value like this

    <td>var cumulative = 0.0; $('table.quote-review-group-component').eq(0).find('tr').each( function( i,el ){var singleStackTotal = $(el).find('td').eq(4).html();if( singleStackTotal ){cumulative += parseFloat( singleStackTotal.substring(1) );} }); cumulative = cumulative.toFixed(2)</td>


理想情况下,我希望能够指向外部 js 文件,而不是将命令中的 javascript 作为字符串,这样我就可以加载一些测试函数并使用 storeEval 来获取函数的返回

Ideally I'd like to be able to point to an external js file rather than have the javascript in the command as a string, so that I can load in some test functions and use storeEval to get the return of the function




function checkSingleGroupListTotal( index ){
    if ( index == "undefined" ){
        index = 0;
    var cumulative = 0.0; 
    $('table.quote-review-group-component').eq(index).find('tr').each( function( i,el ){
        var singleStackTotal = $(el).find('td').eq(4).html();    
        if( singleStackTotal ){         
            cumulative += parseFloat( singleStackTotal.substring(1) );     
    return cumulative.toFixed(2);

考虑一个插件,它添加一个 loadScript 动作来检查外部 js 文件,然后将文件内容传递给 runScript 就可以完成这项工作.但我不想重新发明轮子,而且我之前从未构建过插件.

Thinking about it a plugin which adds a loadScript action which checks for the external js file and then passes the file contents to runScript would do the job. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel, and I've never built a plug in before.


runScript 命令只是将包含脚本的 <SCRIPT> 元素添加到 DOM 并让浏览器运行它.你可以自己做同样的事情,而不是使用内嵌脚本,使用 SRC= 属性来告诉浏览器要加载什么文件.您可能必须从 Web 服务器加载文件,因为某些浏览器不允许从网络加载的页面访问 file: URL.

The runScript command merely adds a <SCRIPT> element containing the script to the DOM and lets the browser run it. You can do the same yourself, and instead of an in-line script, use the SRC= attribute to tell the browser what file to load. You may have to load the file from a web server, because some browsers won't allow page loaded from the net to access a file: URL.
