PhantomJS 并单击表单按钮

我有一个非常简单的 HTML 表单,我正在尝试使用各种数据进行测试.我使用 IE 对象在 MS Access/VBA 中编写了一个原型概念验证.它运行良好,但完成的测试产品必须使用 PhantomJS.我已经让页面接口工作并且表单填充得很好.我被卡住的地方是让提交按钮触发.我已经梳理了 S.O.并尝试了所有建议,但没有任何效果.我正在使用 PhantomJS 1.9.7 并使用直接的 JavaScript 测试脚本.

I have a very simple HTML form that I'm attempting to test with various kinds of data. I wrote a prototype proof-of-concept in MS Access/VBA using the IE object. It worked fine but the finished testing product has to use PhantomJS. I've got the page-interfacing to work and the form is populating just fine. Where I'm stuck is getting the submit button to fire. I've combed through S.O. and tried all suggestions and nothing is working. I'm using PhantomJS 1.9.7 and using straight JavaScript test scripts.

我尝试了各种 JavaScript 技术来触发提交按钮.为了满足只使用 JQuery"的人群,我也尝试过.没有任何工作.当我在测试脚本结束时呈现表单时,我看到表单填充了耐心等待 <search> 的数据.按钮被点击.

I tried various JavaScript techniques to fire the submit button. To satisfy the "Just use JQuery" crowd, I tried that too. Nothing is working. When I render the form at the end of the test script, I see the form populated with data patiently waiting for the <search> button to be clicked.


Here's a summary of what I tried:

  1. document.getElementById('btnSearch').click();
  2. $("btnSearch").click();
  3. var el = document.getElementById('btnSearch');//获取搜索按钮对象
  4. document.getElementById('Form1').submit();
  5. 尝试创建一个点击事件并从按钮对象触发它(在下面的代码中)
  6. 尝试创建一个点击事件并从 body 对象中使用相关按钮内某个点的坐标触发它
  1. document.getElementById('btnSearch').click();
  2. $("btnSearch").click();
  3. var el = document.getElementById('btnSearch'); // Get search button object
  4. document.getElementById('Form1').submit();
  5. Tried creating a click event and firing it from the button object (in the code below)
  6. Tried creating a click event and firing it from the body object with the coordinates of a point inside the button in question

表格如下:(请不要对 CSS 的缺乏、表格的使用等发表评论/辩论.我对网站的创建者没有发言权或影响力.)

Here's the form: (And please, no comments/debates on the lack of CSS, use of tables, etc. I have no say or influence over the people who created the site.)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
        <title>Da Site</title>
    <form name="Form1" method="post" action="Default.aspx" id="Form1">
    <TABLE id="Table2" cellSpacing="2" cellPadding="1" border="0">
        <TD>Street Address:</TD>
        <TD><input name="Address" type="text" maxlength="100" id="Address" /></TD>
        <TD><input name="City" type="text" maxlength="100" id="City" style="width:232px;"/></TD>
        <TD><select name="State" id="State">
                    <option value=""></option>
                    <option value="AL">AL - Alabama</option>
                    <option value="AK">AK - Alaska</option>
                    [The rest of the other states]
                    <option value="WI">WI - Wisconsin</option>
                    <option value="WY">WY - Wyoming</option>
                    <option value="PR">PR - Puerto Rico</option>
        <TD>Zip Code:</TD>
        <TD><input name="ZipCode" type="text" maxlength="5" id="ZipCode" /></TD>
        <td><input type="submit" name="btnSearch" value="Search" id="btnSearch" />
            <input type="submit" name="btnReset" value="Reset" id="btnReset" />

这是驱动表单的 JavaScript:

Here's the JavaScript to drive the form:

var maxtimeOutMillis = 3000;
var start;
var finish;

var page = require('webpage').create();

// Route "console.log()" calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current "this")
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
                                      };'', function(status) {

  page.includeJs("", function() {

  if (status !== 'success') {
    console.log('Unable to access network');
  } else {
         page.render('before.png');  // Renders the blank form
              function () {
                          // page.render('Sample.png');
                          document.getElementById('Address').value = '123 Somewhere Drive';
                          document.getElementById('City').value = 'Somewhere';
                          document.getElementById('State').selectedIndex = 36;
                          document.getElementById('ZipCode').value = '12345';

         // I've done a page.render() here and it shows the form fully and correctly populated

                          // Now let's submit the form...
                          var el = document.getElementById('btnSearch');   // Get the "search" button object

                          // Tried the usual suspects

                          // Tried creating a click event and firing it from the button object
                          var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
                                            true /* bubble */,
                                            true /* cancelable */,
                                            0, 0, 0, 0, /* coordinates */
                                            false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
                                            0 /*left click*/,

                          // Tried calculating the location of the button itself (which works) and fire the click event from the <Body> object
                          var obj = document.getElementById('btnSearch');
                          var x = obj.offsetLeft;
                          var y = obj.offsetTop;

                          while (obj.offsetParent) {
                            x = x + obj.offsetParent.offsetLeft;
                            y = y + obj.offsetParent.offsetTop;
                            if (obj == document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0])
                                obj = obj.offsetParent;

                          x = x + 5; // Tried with and without this +5 delta
                          y = y + 5; // Tried with and without this +5 delta

                          console.log('X = ' + x);
                          console.log('Y = ' + y);

                          var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
                                            true /* bubble */,
                                            true /* cancelable */,
                                            0, 0, x, y, /* coordinates */
                                            false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
                                            0 /*left click*/,

         start = new Date().getTime();
         finish = new Date().getTime();
         console.log('Time before: ' + start);
         // Check to see if results are defined (or times out)
         while ( (finish - start < maxtimeOutMillis) &&  !( page.evaluate( function() {return document.getElementById('TheAnswer');})))
           finish = new Date().getTime();
         console.log('Time after: ' + finish);
         if ( page.evaluate( function() {return document.getElementById('TheAnswer');}))
           console.log(page.evaluate( function() {return document.getElementById('TheAnswer').textContent;}));
           console.log('Element not defined');




I'm hoping this is one of those you-forgot-a-semicolon kind of things, but I just don't see it. Any help would be very much appreciated!


Edit #1: Adding the script output for reference.

C:TempWebAutomationPhantomJSscripts>phantomjs interact.js
X = 151
Y = 442
Time before: 1407875912197   [edit #2 - change before/after labels to match code]
Time after: 1407875915197
Element not defined


好的.我想我想通了.我将 PhantomJS 和我的脚本定向到一个网站,在那里我可以监控后端的数据.令我惊讶的是,按钮 被点击了.我只是看不到结果.

Ok. I think I figured it out. I directed PhantomJS and my script to a website where I could monitor the data on the back-end. To my surprise, the button was being clicked. I just couldn't see the results.

感谢 这篇博文来自 Vinjay Boyapati,问题似乎更多地与页面处理程序和排序有关.似乎在 PhantomJS 中处理页面转换的最佳方法是启动页面循环(单击提交按钮、链接等)并退出 JS 评估功能.在检查 PhantomJS 以确保页面已完全加载且稳定后,调用另一个 page.evaluate 并在浏览器取回提交结果时查找您希望找到的任何内容.这是我从 Vinjay 的帖子中复制/修改的代码:

Courtesy of this post from Vinjay Boyapati, the problem appears to have more to do with page handlers and sequencing. It seems that the best way to handle page transitions in PhantomJS is to initiate the page cycle (click on a submit button, a link, etc.) and exit that JS evaluate function. After checking PhantomJS to make sure the page had completely loaded and was stable, call another page.evaluate and look for whatever you expected to find when the browser fetched back the results of your submission. Here's the code that I copied/modified from Vinjay's post:

编辑:需要特别注意的一件事.对于需要 jQuery 的每个 page.Evaluates(),我添加了 page.injectJs("jquery1-11-1min.js"); 行.否则我会得到$ is undefined"作为页面错误.

Edit: One thing to draw particular attention to. For each page.Evaluates() where jQuery is needed, I'm adding the page.injectJs("jquery1-11-1min.js"); line. Otherwise I would get "$ is undefined" as a page error.

var page = require('webpage').create();
var loadInProgress = false;
var testindex = 0;

// Route "console.log()" calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current "this")
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {

page.onAlert = function(msg) {
    console.log('alert!!> ' + msg);

page.onLoadStarted = function() {
    loadInProgress = true;
    console.log("load started");

page.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
    loadInProgress = false;
    if (status !== 'success') {
        console.log('Unable to access network');
    } else {
        console.log("load finished");

var steps = [
    function() {'');

    function() {
        page.evaluate(function() {
            document.getElementById('Address').value = '302 E Buchtel Avenue'; //University of Akron if you're wondering
            document.getElementById('City').value = 'Akron';
            document.getElementById('State').selectedIndex = 36;
            document.getElementById('ZipCode').value = '44325';
            console.log('JQ: ' + $().jquery);
    function() {
        page.evaluate(function() {
            console.log('The Answer: ' + document.getElementById('TheAnswer').innerHTML);
            $('#buttonOnAnswerPage').click(); // This isn't really necessary unless you need to navigate deeper
            console.log('Sub button clicked');
    function() {
        console.log('More Answers:'); // This function is for navigating deeper than the first-level form submission
        page.evaluate(function() {
            console.log('More Stuff: ' + document.body.innerHTML);
    function() {

interval = setInterval(function() {
    if (!loadInProgress && typeof steps[testindex] == "function") {
        console.log("step " + (testindex + 1));
    if (typeof steps[testindex] != "function") {
        console.log("test complete!");
}, 50);
