如何使用 JavaScript 处理 COM 对象?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 com javascript

我解决了这个问题:我使用 C# 创建 COM 对象,注册它并设法使用 powershell 使用它.当我尝试对 JavaScript 做同样的事情时,它失败了,但是 javascript 不断抛出 object null 错误.

I drive into this issue: I create COM object using C#, register it and managed to work with it using powershell. when i trying to do the same with JavaScript it fails, but javascript keeps throwing object null errors.

您对如何解决此问题有任何建议吗?或者你的 JavaScript 不支持 COM(如果支持,我在哪里可以阅读更多关于它的信息)???

Do you have any advice on how to fix this problem? or maybe you JavaScript doesn't support COM (if so, where can i read more about it)???



使用 Shanti Rao 的 JSDB shell.它基于 Firefox 中使用的核心 Spidermonkey 引擎(Mozilla 的 Javascript 实现),但有一堆用于数据库的绑定.ActiveX 对象等.它有一些限制,但除非您使用复杂的东西,否则您应该能够使用它.

Use Shanti Rao's JSDB shell. It's based on the core Spidermonkey engine (Mozilla's Javascript implementation) used in Firefox, but has a bunch of bindings for databases & ActiveX objects and such. It has a few limitations but unless you're using something complicated you should be able to make use of it.


x=new ActiveX('MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0');
x.async = false;
// I forget how to use IXMLDOMDocument but other calls go here
