
2022-01-14 00:00:00 numbers integer types biginteger javascript

我正在处理 Project Euler 问题(目前问题 13).

I'm working on the Project Euler problems (currently question 13).

对于这个问题,我必须找到 100 个数字之和的前 10 位数字,所有数字的大小都与此类似:

For this question I have to find the first 10 digits of the sum of 100 numbers all of a size similar to this:


我认为我可以使用 Java 的 BigInteger 之类的东西,但我开始解决 JavaScript 中的问题(我正在努力提高我的 js 工作能力),我想继续使用它,甚至解决这个问题.

I think I could use something like Java's BigInteger, but I started solving the problems in JavaScript (I'm trying to boost my js abilities for work), and I would like to continue using it, even to solve this problem.

如果可能的话,我想坚持使用纯 JS.

I'd like to stick to pure JS if possible.


您将需要一个基于 javascript 的 BigInteger 库.有很多可供选择.这是一个

You are going to need a javascript based BigInteger library. There are many to choose from. Here is one


var n = bigInt("91942213363574161572522430563301811072406154908250")
