

var a = "129.13"|0,  // becomes 129

var b = 11.12|0; // becomes 11

var c = "112"|0; // becomes 112

这似乎可行,但不确定这是否是标准的 JS 功能.有谁知道这是否可以安全地用于将字符串和小数转换为整数?

This seem to work but not sure if this is a standard JS feature. Does any one have any idea if this is safe to use for converting strings and decimals to integers ?


是的,这是标准行为.位运算符仅对整数进行运算,因此它们将给出的任何数字转换为有符号的 32 位整数.

Yes, it is standard behavior. Bitwise operators only operate on integers, so they convert whatever number they're give to signed 32 bit integer.


This means that the max range is that of signed 32 bit integer minus 1, which is 2147483647.

(Math.pow(2, 32) / 2 - 1)|0; // 2147483647

(Math.pow(2, 32) / 2)|0; // -2147483648 (wrong result)
