

I know that for handling keyboard events in an input field you can use:

var code = e.keyCode // and 13 is the keyCode for Enter

但是,现在,我有一些 divli 元素,我没有 form 元素,我的也没有元素被认为是表单元素,它们都不接受 focus 或 tab 之类的东西.

But, now, I have some div and li elements, and I don't have a form element, and none of my elements are considered to be form elements and none of them accept focus or tab and stuff like that.

但现在我需要处理 div 元素中的 keyup(或 keydownkeypress 无关紧要)事件.我试过了:

But now I need to handle the keyup (or keydown, or keypress, doesn't matter) event in a div element. I tried:

   if (e.keyCode == 13)
      $('#next').click(); // Mimicking mouse click to go to the next level.


But the problem is, it doesn't work. What should I do?


一个div默认无法获得焦点.但是,您可以通过将 tabindex 属性添加到 div 来更改它:

A div by default cannot be given focus. However, you can change that by adding a tabindex attribute to the div:

<div tabindex="0" id="example"></div>

然后你可以给 div 焦点,也可以用 hover 事件来模糊它:

You can then give the div focus, and also blur it with the hover event:

$("#example").hover(function() {
}, function() {
}).keydown(function(e) {

div 有焦点时,它将接受键盘事件.您可以在此处查看此工作的示例.

When the div has focus, it will accept keyboard events. You can see an example of this working here.
