使用 JavaScript 和 jQuery,跨浏览器处理按键事件 (F1-F12)

我想使用 JavaScript 和 jQuery 处理 F1-F12 键.

I want to handle F1-F12 keys using JavaScript and jQuery.

我不确定要避免哪些陷阱,而且我目前无法在 Internet Explorer 8、Google Chrome 和 Mozilla FireFox 3 之外的任何其他浏览器中测试实现.

I am not sure what pitfalls there are to avoid, and I am not currently able to test implementations in any other browsers than Internet Explorer 8, Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox 3.

对完整的跨浏览器解决方案有什么建议吗?类似于经过良好测试的 jQuery 库,或者只是普通的 jQuery/JavaScript?

Any suggestions to a full cross-browser solution? Something like a well-tested jQuery library or maybe just vanilla jQuery/JavaScript?



The best source I have for this kind of question is this page: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/keys.html

他们说的是 Safari 上的键码很奇怪,其他地方都一致(除了 IE 上没有按键事件,但我相信 keydown 有效).

What they say is that the key codes are odd on Safari, and consistent everywhere else (except that there's no keypress event on IE, but I believe keydown works).
