在按键上检测 Alt Gr(Alt Graph)修饰符

2022-01-13 00:00:00 keyboard google-chrome javascript

在 javascript Event 对象中,有一些布尔值来检查是否按下了修饰键:

In the javascript Event object, there are some boolean values to check if modifier keys are pressed:

  • ctrlKey:CTRL键.
  • altKey:ALT键.
  • altLeft:ALT 左键.仅适用于 IE.
  • altGraphKey:ALTGR 键.仅适用于 Chrome/Safari.
  • ctrlKey: CTRL key.
  • altKey: ALT key.
  • altLeft: ALT left key. Only for IE.
  • altGraphKey: ALTGR key. Only for Chrome/Safari.


  • 当您按下 ALTGR 修饰符时,IE 和 Chrome 将 ctrlKey 设置为 true 并将 altKey 设置为 true.
  • 当您按下 ALTGR 修饰符时,Firefox 将 ctrlKey 设置为 false 并将 altKey 设置为 true,因为只有 ALT已按下.
  • Chrome 有 altGraphKey 属性,但它始终是 undefined.
  • IE and Chrome set ctrlKey to true and altKey to true when you press the ALTGR modifier.
  • Firefox sets ctrlKey to false and altKey to true when you press the ALTGR modifier, as only ALT has been pressed.
  • Chrome has the altGraphKey property, but it is always undefined.

问题:如何区分 ALT+CTRLALTGR 按键?特别是在 Chrome 中.

Question: how can I difference between an ALT+CTRL or an ALTGR key press? Specially in Chrome.


webkit 浏览器中的 altGraphKey 似乎不再存在(截至 2013 年 9 月),并且 Firefox 的行为发生了变化.AltGr 键的浏览器行为当前似乎是:

The altGraphKey in webkit browsers no longer appears to exist (as at September 2013) and the behaviour of Firefox has changed. Browser behaviours for the AltGr key currently appear to be:

  • Webkit (Chrome) - ctrlKey: true, altKey: true
  • IE 8 - ctrlKey: false, altKey: true
  • IE 10 - ctrlKey: true, altKey: true
  • Mozilla (Firefox) - ctrlKey: true, altKey: true

也就是说,它们当前都是一致的(除了 IE8,它仍然始终不一致).

Which is to say, they are all currently consistent (apart from IE8, which remains consistently inconsistent).

以下代码段应该在现代浏览器中捕获 Alt Gr - 但不是 AltCtrl -.但是,您将需要 IE8 的特殊情况:

The following snippet should catch Alt Gr - but not Alt or Ctrl - in modern browsers. You will need a special case for IE8 however:

if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey) {
    // Appears to be Alt Gr
