如何使用 javascript 检测硬件键盘的存在?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 keyboard javascript

使用 javascript 检测硬件键盘存在的最佳跨浏览器和跨平台方法是什么?

What is the best cross-browser and cross-platform way to detect hardware keyboard presence with javascript?


这可能是一个老问题,但几个月前,我自己也在寻找解决方案.我正在构建一个消息传递系统,当有人在物理键盘上点击 Return 时应该发送消息,但当有人在虚拟键盘上点击 Return 时插入换行符.我解决它的方法是计算 keydownkeyup 事件之间的时间,并在 Return 被击中时获取平均值.

This may be an old question, but a few months ago, I was looking for a solution to this myself. I was building a messaging system which should send the message when someone hits Return on their physical keyboard, but inserts a newline when someone hits Return on a virtual keyboard. The way I solved it was by counting the time between keydown and keyup events and getting the average when Return was hit.

我终于开始在我的博客 这里.

I finally got around to documenting it on my blog here.
