jQuery .keypress &.keydown .which

2022-01-13 00:00:00 keypress keyboard jquery javascript keydown

好的,.keypress 和 .keydown/.keyup 有什么区别?目前我正在使用 .keydown ,它为我的键返回 38 的 .which 值,现在如果我将其更改为 .keypress 它为同一个键返回 109 的值.有什么区别?为什么同一个键的值不同?

Ok so what is the difference in .keypress and .keydown/.keyup? At present I am using .keydown which returns a .which value of 38 for my key, now if i change it to .keypress it returns a value of 109 for that same key. What is the difference and why are the values different for the same key?


如果你按下一个按钮,它会触发一个 keydown 并释放它会触发一个 keyup.keypress 通常介于这两者之间.

If you press a button it fires a keydown and releasing it fires a keyup. The keypress usually comes between those two.

keydownkeyup 讨论哪个 key 已更改.keypress 告诉该键代表哪个字符.

keydown and keyup talk about which key has been changed. keypress tells which character that key represents.


Note that this is all browser-dependent!

