使用 javascript/jQuery 从 HTML 字符串中获取属性值

2022-01-13 00:00:00 attributes jquery javascript

我有一个包含文本和图像的 HTML 字符串,例如

I have an HTML string that contains text and images, e.g.

<img src="..." />

我需要获取第一张图片的 src 属性.图片可能出现在 <p> 之后,也可能不出现,并且可能有多个图片,或者根本没有图片.

I need to get the src attribute of the first image. The image may or may not come after a <p> and there could be more than one image, or no image at all.

最初,我尝试将字符串附加到 DOM 并进行过滤.但是,如果我这样做,浏览器会请求所有外部资源.在我的情况下,这会增加很多不必要的开销.

Initially, I tried appending the string to the DOM and filtering. But, if I do this the browser requests all of the external resources. In my situation, this adds a lot of unnecessary overhead.


var holder = $('<div></div>'); 


var src = holder.find('img:first').attr('src'); 

如何在不附加 HTML 的情况下获取第一张图片的 src?我需要使用正则表达式,还是有更好的方法?

How can I get the src of the first image without appending the HTML? Do I need to use a regular expression, or is there a better way?

解决方案需要基于 javascript/jQuery——我没有使用任何服务器端语言.

The solution needs to be javascript/jQuery based – I'm not using any server side languages.





$("<p><blargh src='whatever.jpg' /></p>").find("blargh:first").attr("src")

返回 whatever.jpg 所以我想你可以试试

returns whatever.jpg so I think you could try

$(content.replace(/<img/gi, "<blargh")).find("blargh:first").attr("src")


/ 而不是 "<img"
