alt 和 alt="" 一样吗?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 attributes html seo alt screen-readers

我正在为我的所有图像添加 alt 属性以提高 SEO/屏幕阅读器性能.

I'm adding alt attributes to all my images to improve SEO/screen reader performance.

根据最佳实践,纯美学图像应该有一个空的 alt 属性 alt="",以便屏幕阅读器跳过它们.我在 WordPress 中发现它确实将 alt 添加到这些无描述的美学图像中,但没有添加 alt="".

Per best practice, images that are purely aesthetic should have an empty alt attribute alt=""so screen readers skip over them. I'm in WordPress and noticed it does add alt to these descriptionless aesthetic images, but not alt="".

屏幕阅读器和搜索引擎爬虫读取 alt 是否与 alt="" 相同,或者我应该进入并以编程方式强制 alt=""?

Does alt get read the same as alt="" by screen readers and search engine crawlers, or should I go in and programatically force an alt=""?





Just the attribute name. The value is implicitly the empty string.


To me, that says that an attribute with no value is the same as having a value of empty string.

