在 Javascript 中获取文本框的值

2022-01-13 00:00:00 textbox html-table javascript html

我有这个 html 代码:

I have this html code:

<table border="" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" id="mytable">

<tbody><tr><td>Song:</td> <td><input type="text" name="song" maxlength="64" size="48" /> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Artist:</td> <td><input type="text" name="artist" maxlength="16" size="48" /> </td></tr>


How do I get the values of "song" and "artist"? I have tried:

var elTableCells = mytable.getElementsByTagName("td");


but I keep getting "undefined" even when there is text inside the textbox


首先,td元素没有value属性,所以调用.value 他们不会做任何事情.其次,该值实际上在 input 元素上,因此您需要改为 mytable.getElementsByTagName('input') .更好的是给你的输入字段ID,然后使用getElementById.这意味着您可以在不破坏 JS 的情况下更改 HTML.

First, td elements don't have a value attribute, so calling .value on them won't do a thing. Second, the value is actually on the input element, so you need to do mytable.getElementsByTagName('input') instead. Even better would be to give your input fields ids and then use getElementById. This would mean you could alter your HTML without your JS breaking.
