附加事件以清除 IE10 文本框中的图标

在 IE10 中,文本框中会出现一个小 X 图标以清除输入文本.如何将事件附加到该操作(=单击该 X 并清除输入)?

In IE10 a small X icon appears in the textbox to clear the input text. How can an event be attached to that action (=clicking on that X and clearing the input)?


这似乎没有确切的事件(onchange 不合适).但是,您可以使用 oninput 并检查 input 的值是否为空:

It seems there's not an exact event for this (onchange is not suitable). However, you can use oninput and check, if the value of the input is empty:

document.getElementById('input_ID').addEventListener('input', function () {
    if (this.value === '') {
        alert('No value');
}, false);

如果用户使用 BACKSPACEDELETE 清除 input 或将内容剪切到剪贴板,也会触发此事件.oninput 至少在 Chrome、FF、IE10 和 Opera 中有效.

This event is triggered also, if user clears the input with BACKSPACE or DELETE, or cuts the content to the clipboard. oninput works at least in Chrome, FF, IE10 and Opera.
