如何在 asp.net-mvc 中的 html 文本框上设置禁用属性?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 textbox html asp.net-mvc

我正在尝试在 html 文本框上动态设置 disabled 属性并遇到问题

I am trying to dynamically set the disabled attribute on the html textbox and having issues


 string disabledString = "";
 if (SomeLogic)
      disabledString = "disabled";

 Html.Textbox()...new Dictionary<string, object> { { "maxlength", 50 }, { "disabled", readOnlyState } })%>

如您所见,我将 disabled 属性设置为 "" 或禁用,但是当我测试时,它似乎在任何一种情况下都被禁用.我错过了什么吗?

As you can see I am setting the disabled attribute to "" or disabled but when I test, it seems to be disabled in either case. Am I missing something?


这对我们来说很难看,因为这里的 HTML 规范很糟糕.

This was ugly for us, due to the fact that the HTML spec is lousy here.


Basically in our view code we had some logic like this:

bool isPlatformOwner = false;

object disabledAttributes = new { @disabled="disabled", @readonly="readonly" };

//omitted code setting isPlatformOwner    

    if (isPlatformOwner)
        disabledAttributes = new { };


Then, for our controls, we had this:

<%=Html.CheckBoxFor(f => f.AddToReleaseIndicator, disabledAttributes)%>


Anonymous types saved us here, but, like I said, it got a little ugly.
