StackOverflow 的“标签"文本框自动完成是如何工作的?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 textbox autocomplete jquery javascript ajax

我知道他们使用的是 jQuery 插件,但我似乎无法找到他们使用的是哪个插件.特别是,我正在寻找的是具有与 SO 的自动完成功能完全相同的功能的自动完成功能,它会在输入的每个新单词时执行 AJAX 命令,并允许您从下拉列表中选择一个.

I know they're using a jQuery plugin, but I can't seem to find which one they used. In particular, what I'm looking for is autocomplete with exactly the same functionality as SO's autocomplete, where it will perform an AJAX command with each new word typed in and allow you to select one from a dropdown.


注意标签编辑器 现在已经完全重写,不再像原来的、带有建议下拉菜单的简单文本框了,该文本框已经装饰了该网站近三年.

Note that the tag editor has been completely re-written now, and no longer resembles the original, simple text box w/ suggestion drop-down that adorned the site for nearly three years.


If you're interested in the new form, see this Meta question:

Autocomplete 是最初使用的插件,尽管对其进行了各种调整和自定义年.

Autocomplete is the plugin used originally, albeit with various tweaks and customizations made to it over the years.
