使用 CSS 禁用文本框

2022-01-13 00:00:00 textbox css

如何在 CSS 中禁用文本框?目前,我们的视图中有一个文本框,可以根据模型中的属性启用/禁用它.我们有 asp.net MVC 视图;根据 Model 属性的值,我们需要渲染文本框或只读文本框.我们正在考虑通过将 CSS 应用于视图控件来做到这一点.以前有人做过吗?

How to disable a textbox in CSS? Currently we are having a textbox in our view which can be enabled/disabled depending on a property in the model. We are having asp.net MVC view; depending on the value of the Model property we need to either render a textbox or readonly textbox. we were thinking of doing this by applying CSS to the view control. Has someone done this earlier?


CSS 无法禁用文本框,但是您可以关闭显示或可见性.

CSS cannot disable the textbox, you can however turn off display or visibility.

display: none;
visibility: hidden;


Or you can also set the HTMLattribute:

