
2022-01-12 00:00:00 char hex javascript



Could anyone guide me on how to convert char to hex in javascript?

For example:









您可以遍历字符并使用 charCodeAt 函数获取它们的 UTF-16 值,然后用它们构造一个字符串.

You can loop through the characters and use the charCodeAt function to get their UTF-16 values, then constructing a string with them.


Here's some code I constructed that is much better than the code on the site you've linked, and should be easier to understand:

function string_as_unicode_escape(input) {
    function pad_four(input) {
        var l = input.length;
        if (l == 0) return '0000';
        if (l == 1) return '000' + input;
        if (l == 2) return '00' + input;
        if (l == 3) return '0' + input;
        return input;
    var output = '';
    for (var i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; i++)
        output += '\u' + pad_four(input.charCodeAt(i).toString(16));
    return output;


  1. string_as_unicode_escape 采用一个参数,input,它是一个字符串.
  2. pad_four 是一个做一件事的内部函数;它用前导 '0' 字符填充字符串,直到长度至少为四个字符.
  3. 首先将 output 定义为空字符串.
  4. 对于字符串中的每个字符,将 u 附加到 output 字符串.用 input.charCodeAt(i) 取字符的 UTF-16 值,然后用 .toString(16) 将其转换为十六进制字符串,然后用前导填充零,然后将结果附加到 output 字符串.
  5. 返回输出字符串.
  1. string_as_unicode_escape takes one argument, input, which is a string.
  2. pad_four is an internal function that does one thing; it pads strings with leading '0' characters until the length is at least four characters long.
  3. Start off by defining output as an empty string.
  4. For each character in the string, append u to the output string. Take the UTF-16 value of the character with input.charCodeAt(i), then convert it to a hexadecimal string with .toString(16), then pad it with leading zeros, then append the result to the output string.
  5. Return the output string.

正如 Tim Down 所说,我们还可以将 0x10000 添加到 charCodeAt 值,然后添加 .slice(1) 调用产生的字符串.toString(16),实现填充效果.

As Tim Down commented, we can also add 0x10000 to the charCodeAt value and then .slice(1) the string resulting from calling .toString(16), to achieve the padding effect.
