为什么 ('b'+'a'+ + 'a' + 'a').toLowerCase() 'banana' 的结果是?

2022-01-13 00:00:00 type-conversion javascript

当我的一个朋友偶然发现这段 JavaScript 代码时,我正在练习一些 JavaScript:

I was practicing some JavaScript when one of my friends came across this JavaScript code:

document.write(('b' + 'a' + + 'a' + 'a').toLowerCase());


The above code answers "banana"! Can anyone explain why?


+'a' 解析为 NaN ("Not a Number") 因为它强制转换为字符串为数字,而字符 a 不能被解析为数字.

+'a' resolves to NaN ("Not a Number") because it coerces a string to a number, while the character a cannot be parsed as a number.



"ba"加上NaN,由于类型转换,将NaN变成字符串"NaN",给出 baNaN.然后后面有一个a,给出baNaNa.

Adding NaN to "ba" turns NaN into the string "NaN" due to type conversion, gives baNaN. And then there is an a behind, giving baNaNa.

+ + 之间的空格是为了使第一个字符串连接和第二个一元加号(即正")运算符.如果你使用 'ba'+(+'a')+'a' 得到相同的结果,解析为 'ba'+NaN+'a',即由于类型杂耍,相当于 'ba'+'NaN'+'a'.

The space between + + is to make the first one string concatenation and the second one a unary plus (i.e. "positive") operator. You have the same result if you use 'ba'+(+'a')+'a', resolved as 'ba'+NaN+'a', which is equivalent to 'ba'+'NaN'+'a' due to type juggling.

