
2022-01-12 00:00:00 mapbox leaflet javascript polyline

我正在使用 Mapbox 和 Leaflet 绘制地图,我应该让用户绘制多边形并计算并显示该多边形的面积,我还需要让用户绘制一条折线并显示折线的距离.

I am working on a map with Mapbox and Leaflet and I am supposed to let the user draw polygons and calculate and show the are of that polygon and I also need to let the user draw a polyline and show the distance of the polyline.


I have figured out the polygon area feature but I cannot figure out how to calculate the distance of a polyline.


loadScript('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/plugins/leaflet-draw/v0.2.2/leaflet.draw.js', function(){
    loadScript('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/plugins/leaflet-geodesy/v0.1.0/leaflet-geodesy.js', function(){
        var featureGroup = L.featureGroup().addTo(map);

        var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
        edit: {
            featureGroup: featureGroup
        draw: {
            polygon: true,
            polyline: true,
            rectangle: false,
            circle: false,
            marker: false

    map.on('draw:created', showPolygonArea);
    map.on('draw:edited', showPolygonAreaEdited);

    function showPolygonAreaEdited(e) {
        e.layers.eachLayer(function(layer) {
            showPolygonArea({ layer: layer });
    function showPolygonArea(e) {
        var type = e.layerType,
        layer = e.layer;

        if (type === 'polygon') {
            e.layer.bindPopup(((LGeo.area(e.layer) / 1000000) * 0.62137).toFixed(2) + ' mi<sup>2</sup>');

        if (type === 'polyline') {
            // What do I do different here to calculate the distance of the polyline?
            // Is there a method in the LGeo lib itself?
            // e.layer.bindPopup(((LGeo.area(e.layer) / 1000000) * 0.62137).toFixed(2) + ' mi<sup>2</sup>');


LGeo lib 本身是否有一种方法可以帮助我计算折线的距离?geogson.io 的开发人员也有一种计算距离的方法,但我似乎无法通过查看他们的代码来弄清楚.我不是经验丰富的 Javascript 开发人员.欢迎任何帮助.:)

Is there a method in the LGeo lib itself which will help me calculate the distance of the polyline? The devs at geogson.io also have a way to calculate the distance but I cannot seem to figure it out looking at their code. I am not a seasoned Javascript developer. Any help is welcome. :)


所以我终于自己想出了一个算法.我基本上找到了包含折线的所有 latlngs 的折线的属性,然后我让它通过一个循环,我使用 Leaflet 中的 distanceTo 方法来计算距离点之间并不断将它们添加到 totalDistance 变量中.

So I finally came up with an algorithm myself. I basically found the property of the polyline which holds all the latlngs of the polyline and then I made it go through a loop and I used the distanceTo method from Leaflet to calculate distance between points and kept on adding them to a totalDistance variable.

if (type === 'polyline') {

    // Calculating the distance of the polyline
    var tempLatLng = null;
    var totalDistance = 0.00000;
    $.each(e.layer._latlngs, function(i, latlng){
        if(tempLatLng == null){
            tempLatLng = latlng;

        totalDistance += tempLatLng.distanceTo(latlng);
        tempLatLng = latlng;
    e.layer.bindPopup((totalDistance).toFixed(2) + ' meters');
