单击 Leaflet 中的标记时,如何防止显示弹出窗口?
我想要一个在我单击传单标记时不显示的弹出窗口.我不能使用 clickable : false
I want a popup that doesn't show itself when I click on the Leaflet marker. I cannot use clickable : false
because it will make the markers "act as a part of the underlying map" and this is unacceptable for me. I tried the following code:
marker.on('click', function(event) {
没有任何结果.在不使用标记对象的 clickable : false
without any results. What is the right way to prevent a popup from showing without using the clickable : false
property of the marker object?
All I need is to open all the popups on the map by clicking on one custom button, but I don't want the popups to show themselves after I click on a particular marker.
只是不要将弹出窗口绑定到标记.这是一个带有 2 个标记的 fiddle.一个有弹出窗口,另一个没有.
Just don't bind a popup to the marker. Here's a fiddle with 2 markers. One has a popup and the other does not.
L.marker([51, 0]).bindPopup("this is a popup").addTo(map);
L.marker([51, 1.5]).addTo(map);
我已经编辑了 fiddle 并认为这可能是您要问的.这是代码的重要部分:
I've edited the fiddle and think it might be what you are asking. Here's the important part of the code:
function onClick(event) {