传单 - 模式在地图后面打开

2022-01-12 00:00:00 leaflet modal-dialog jquery javascript css

我正在使用 leaflet 和 modalcss 在其中显示模式一张地图.这就像 leaflet v0.7.7 的魅力一样.查看此 Plunker:点击--> 点击缩放控件下方的按钮.

I'm using leaflet and modalcss to display a modal within a map. This worked like a charm with leaflet v0.7.7. See this Plunker: click --> Click the button under the zoom controls.

当我切换到 leaflet v1.2.0 时,模式会打开但在地图后面.查看此 Plunker:点击

When I switch to leaflet v1.2.0 the modal gets opened but behind the map. See this Plunker: click

为什么会这样?关于如何在旧版本的 leaflet 中显示模式的任何想法?谢谢!

Why is this happening? Any idea on how to show the modal in front of the map like in the old version of leaflet? Thanks!


将此 CSS 规则应用于地图和模型:

Apply this CSS rules to map and model:

#map{ z-index:1; }
#modal{ z-index:2; }
