
2022-01-12 00:00:00 geojson leaflet ajax

我是传单和 JavaScript 的新手.我在想我可以使用 geocommons 和 GeoJSON 来托管地图项目的数据.

I am new to leaflet and JavaScript. I was thinking I could use geocommons and GeoJSON to host data for a mapping project.

我发现 外部 GeoJSON 和 Leaflet:另一种方式).本教程使用传单插件读取外部 GeoJSON,但我无法获得它来获取要在我的地图上渲染的点.代码的地图部分渲染良好,但 GeoJSON 不会出现.

I found External GeoJSON and Leaflet: The Other Way(s). This tutorial on reading external GeoJSON using a leaflet plugin but I haven't been able to get it to get the points to render on my map. The map portion of the code renders fine but the GeoJSON won't appear.

var geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON.AJAX("http://geocommons.com/datasets/168923/features.json?lat=53.796&lon=-1.551&radius=3&callback=?", {onEachFeature:popUp});

function popUp(feature, layer) {



保存leaflet.ajax plugin as leaflet.ajax.min.js 在与您的 html 页面相同的文件夹中,然后通过在其间添加此行来调用它<head> 标签

Save the leaflet.ajax plugin as leaflet.ajax.min.js in the same folder as your html page, then call it by adding this line in between the <head> tags

<script src="leaflet.ajax.min"></script>
