如何在 gulp 中的任务中获取任务名称

2022-01-12 00:00:00 javascript gulp

我正在使用 gulp-plumber + gulp-notify 并希望将任务名称作为标题放在 gulp-notify 中.以下是我写的代码,先谢谢了.

I'm using gulp-plumber + gulp-notify and want to put task name in gulp-notify as a title. following is the code i wrote, thanks in advance.

gulp.task('SOMETASK', function() {
    return gulp.src(sourcePaths)
        .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError({
            message: "<%= error.message %>",
            title: "I WANT TO PUT TASK NAME HERE"
        // omitted below



gulp.Gulp.prototype.__runTask = gulp.Gulp.prototype._runTask;
gulp.Gulp.prototype._runTask = function(task) {
  this.currentTask = task;

gulp.task("someTask", function(){
  console.log( this.currentTask.name );
