任何等效的 gulp 插件用于执行“grunt bower"?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 javascript gruntjs bower gulp requirejs

使用 grunt,我可以使用命令 grunt bower(由 grunt-bower-requirejs) 为我的本地 bower 组件自动生成 RequireJS 配置文件.

With grunt, I could use command grunt bower (provided by grunt-bower-requirejs) to auto-generate RequireJS config file for my local bower components.

gulp 有没有插件可以执行类似的任务?

Is there any plugin for gulp to perform similar task?


注意 bowerRequireJS 是一个异步函数.因此,您需要使用回调(或同步返回 Promise)将该任务标记为异步,如下所示:

Mind that bowerRequireJS is an asynchronous function. So you would need to use a callback (or synchronously return a Promise) to mark that task as asynchronous like so:

gulp.task('bower', function(callback) {
    var options = {
        baseUrl: 'src',
        config: 'src/app/require.config.js',
        transitive: true

    bowerRequireJS(options, function (rjsConfigFromBower) {
