为什么我必须在 gulp 中使用vinyl-source-stream?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 node.js javascript gulp browserify

我正在尝试使用 gulp 和 browserify 将我的 .jsx 文件转换为 .js 文件.

I am trying to use gulp and browserify to transform my .jsx files into .js files.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var reactify = require('reactify');

gulp.task('js', function () {


上面抛出的path.resolve 的参数必须是字符串.我设法通过使用 vinyl-source-stream

The above threw Arguments to path.resolve must be strings. I managed to get around it by using vinyl-source-stream

var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');

为什么会这样?我对 nodejs 和 gulp 还很陌生.看了项目的README和源码,还是一头雾水.有什么帮助吗?

Why does this work? I am fairly new to nodejs and gulp. After reading the README of the project and the source code, I am still confused. Any help?


我认为阅读这篇文章 <强>一饮而尽该项目的愿景、历史和未来可以帮助您澄清一些概念.

I think that reading this article gulp The vision, history, and future of the project can help you to clarify a few concepts.

基本上你可以说 vinyl-source-stream 转换 可读流你从 browserify 得到的 vinyl 流 这就是 gulp 期望得到的.

Basically you can say that vinyl-source-stream convert the readable stream you get from browserify into a vinyl stream that is what gulp is expecting to get.

乙烯基流是一种虚拟文件格式,它是Gulp的基础.多亏了这个乙烯基流,Gulp 不需要在不同的转换之间编写临时文件.这是它优于 Grunt 的主要优势之一.

A vinyl stream is a Virtual file format, and it is fundamental for Gulp. Thanks to this vinyl streams Gulp doesn't need to write a temporal file between different transformations. And this is one of the main advantages it has over Grunt.
