如何为 gulp 组成管道序列?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 node.js pipe javascript gulp

我的 gulpfile.js 中有一个通用模式:

I have a common pattern in my gulpfile.js:

var rev         = require('gulp-rev');
var buffer      = require('gulp-buffer');

  .pipe(buffer()) // this line & 4 lines down
  .pipe(rev.manifest({ path: 'manifest.json', merge: true }))
  .pipe(gulp.dest(options.dest)) // to this

我想编写这 5 行代码,以便在我的项目中通过几个 gulp 任务重用它们.我该怎么做?

I want to compose these 5 lines to reuse them in my project over a couple of gulp tasks. How can I do that?

我找到了 multipipe 包,但它不支持将变量传递给新管道(您可以看到我需要在我的新管道中传递 options.dest).

I found multipipe package but it doesn't support passing variables to new pipes (you can see I need to pass options.dest in my new pipe).


使用 lazypipe:

var lazypipe = require('lazypipe');

function something(dest) {
  return (lazypipe()
   .pipe(gulp.dest, dest)
   .pipe(rev.manifest, { path: 'manifest.json', merge: true })
   .pipe(gulp.dest, dest))();

