Gulp - 定位文件夹及其子文件夹中的所有文件

2022-01-12 00:00:00 javascript gulp

我希望能够将 gulp 中的 watch 任务添加到 frontend 中的所有 js 文件中/js 和下面的任何其他 js 文件

I'd like to be able to add a watch task in gulp to all of the js files in the frontend/js and any other js files below'./frontend/js/**/*.js', ['browserify']);

这只会针对 js 一个文件夹深处的文件

This will only target js files one folder deep



It's supposed to match any number of subdirectories:

** 如果globstar"在路径部分中单独存在,则它匹配零个或多个目录和子目录以搜索匹配项.它不会抓取符号链接的目录.

** If a "globstar" is alone in a path portion, then it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories.


Do you have symlinked directories in there?

我认为您不会通过 gulp 原生遍历您的符号链接目录.我建议你看看 node.js fs.readdir 递归目录搜索 看看这些解决方案是否可以应用于您的用例.问题或答案中没有任何内容专门针对符号链接,所以我不知道那里是否有适合您的解决方案.如果您可以使用其中一种解决方案获得一组取消引用的路径名,那么您只需将该数组传递给 gulp.src().

I don't think you'll get gulp to natively traverse your symlinked directories. I recommend you take a look at node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search and see if any of those solutions can be applied to your use case. Nothing in the question or answers specifically addresses symlinks, so I don't know if there's a solution for you there or not. If you can get an array of dereferenced pathnames using one of those solutions, then you can just pass the array to gulp.src().
