根据 NODE_ENV 设置 gulp 任务

2022-01-12 00:00:00 node.js javascript gulp

有没有办法根据设置的 NODE_ENV 指定 gulp 任务?

Is there a way to specify a gulp task depending on the NODE_ENV that is set?

例如在我的 package.json 文件中,我有类似的内容:

For example in my package.json file, I have something like:

"scripts": {
    "start": "gulp"

我有多个 gulp 任务

gulp.task('development', function () {
   // run dev related tasks like watch 

gulp.task('production', function () {
   // run prod related tasks

如果我设置NODE_ENV=production npm start,我可以指定只运行gulp production吗?或者有更好的方法吗?

If I set NODE_ENV=production npm start, can I specify to only run gulp production? Or is there a better way to do this?


在你的默认 gulp 任务中使用一个三元组,你可以有类似的东西:

Using a single ternary in your default gulp task, you can have something like:

  [process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'production' : 'development']

然后您将能够在您的 package.json 中保留单个 gulp 命令并像您所说的那样使用它:

You will then be able to keep the single gulp command in your package.json and using this like you said:

NODE_ENV=production npm start

NODE_ENV 变量的任何其他值都将启动 development 任务.

Any other value of your NODE_ENV variable will launch the development task.

您当然可以使用允许多个任务的对象进行高级用法并避免 if 树地狱:

You could of course do an advanced usage using an object allowing for multiple tasks and avoiding if trees hell:

var tasks = {
  development: 'development',
  production: ['git', 'build', 'publish'],
  preprod: ['build:preprod', 'publish:preprod'],

gulp.task('default', tasks[process.env.NODE_ENV] || 'fallback')


Keep in mind that when giving an array of tasks, they will be run in parallel.
