如何解决 Gulp 上的这个缩小错误?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 javascript gulp


gulp.task('minify', function () {返回一口.src('public/app/js/myapp.bundle.js').pipe(丑化()).pipe(gulp.dest('public/app/js/myapp.bundle.min.js'));});


GulpUglifyError: 无法缩小 JavaScript 原因:SyntaxError: Unexpected token: name (MenuItem) (line: 1628, col: 18, pos: 53569)


 设置器:[],执行:函数(){class MenuItem {//<-- 第 1628 行



UglifyJS 目前不支持 EcmaScript 6 结构 类似类.

您可能需要首先通过转译器步骤运行您的 JavaScript,或者找到一个知道如何处理 ES6 代码的压缩程序.

2017-06-17 更新

设计用于 ES6 的 UglifyJS 分支现已发布为 uglify-es 在 npm 上.

2018 年 9 月 10 日更新

terser 是新的 uglify-esuglify-es 不再维护.

如果使用 gulp 两个 npmjs gulp-uglify-es 和 npmjs gulp-terser 软件包支持 terser.

npm install gulp-terser --save-dev

const gulp = require('gulp');const terser = require('gulp-terser');函数 es(){返回 gulp.src('./src/index.js').pipe(terser()).pipe(gulp.dest('./build'))}gulp.task('default', es);

I'm getting below error running this command

gulp.task('minify', function () {
    return gulp

GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript Caused by: SyntaxError: Unexpected token: name (MenuItem) (line: 1628, col: 18, pos: 53569)

Code on that location is this

 setters: [],
 execute: function () {
     class MenuItem {  // <-- line 1628

What's wrong?


UglifyJS does not currently support EcmaScript 6 structures like classes.

You'll probably need to run your JavaScript through a transpiler step first, or find a minifier that knows what to do with ES6 code.

Update 2017-06-17

The branch of UglifyJS that is designed to work with ES6 is now published as uglify-es on npm.

Update 2018-09-10

terser is the new uglify-es, uglify-es is no longer maintained.

If using gulp both npmjs gulp-uglify-es and npmjs gulp-terser packages support terser.

npm install gulp-terser --save-dev

const gulp = require('gulp');
const terser = require('gulp-terser');
function es(){
  return gulp.src('./src/index.js')

gulp.task('default', es);
