Node.js/Gulp - 循环执行 Gulp 任务

2022-01-12 00:00:00 node.js stream build javascript gulp

我想遍历一个对象,并在每次迭代时将一组文件路径传递给 gulp.src,然后对这些文件进行一些处理.下面的代码仅用于说明目的,实际上并不能正常工作,因为 return 语句在第一遍就终止了循环.

I'd like to loop through an object and pass an array of file paths to gulp.src on each iteration and then do some processing on those files. The code below is for illustration purposes and won't actually work since the return statement kills the loop on the first pass.

gulp.task('js', function(){
    for (var key in buildConfig.bundle) {
        return gulp.src(bundleConfig.bundle[key].scripts)
            .pipe(concat(key + '.js'));
            // DO STUFF


That's the basic idea. Any ideas on how to do this?



I was able to pull this off using merge-streams. If anyone's interested, here's the code. The idea is to create an array of streams inside your loop and merge them when finished iterating:

var merge = require('merge-stream');

gulp.task('js', function(){

    // Init vars
    var jsBundleStreams = [];
    var i = 0;

    // Create array of individual bundle streams
    for (var key in buildConfig.bundle) {
        jsBundleStreams[i] = gulp.src(bundleConfig.bundle[key].scripts)
            .pipe(concat(key + '.js'))

    // Merge and return streams
    return merge.apply(this, jsBundleStreams);

