如何从 GULP 将变量值注入 JS 文件


Hopefully this is a quick question.

我要做的是在使用 GULP 构建文件时将时间戳添加到 JS 文件中的 Javascript 对象中.基本上,在file.js"中,我有一个对象,我希望 object.timeStamp 等于 GULP 构建的时间.

What I'm trying to do is to add a timestamp into a Javascript object in a JS file while the file is being built with GULP. Basically, in "file.js", I have an object where I would like to have object.timeStamp that equals the time of the GULP build.

我目前正在使用 gulp-header 将时间戳添加到文件顶部,但有人要求我将时间戳添加到对象中的属性中.

I am currently adding a timestamp to the top of the file using gulp-header, but I have been asked to add the timestamp to a property in the object.

我的想法是从 GULP 中注入值,但目前我发现的所有注入插件都是用于将一个文件的内容注入目标文件.

My thought was to inject the value from GULP, but all of the injection plugins I have found so far are for injecting contents of one file into the target file.



你在使用任何类型的模块吗?ES6 模块、AMD、CommonJS、...?

Are you using any kind of modules? ES6 modules, AMD, CommonJS, ...?

如果是这样,您可以使用 Gulp生成一个 config 模块,您可以在其中注入任何您想要的变量.它看起来像这样:

If so, you can generate a config module with Gulp where you can inject any variable you want. It would look something like this:


module.exports = <%= config %>

配置 gulp 任务

var gulp = require('gulp');
var template = require('gulp-template');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

gulp.task('config', function() {
  return gulp.src('path/to/config.tmpl.js')
    .pipe(template({config: JSON.stringify({
      timeStamp: new Date()

最后,在您的 JS 文件中

var config = require('path/to/config.js');

var object = {
  timeStamp: config.timeStamp
