用于人类友好的相对日期格式的 Javascript 库

2022-01-12 00:00:00 date formatting javascript


I'd like to display some dates as relative to the current date in a human-friendly format.


Examples of human-friendly relative dates:

  • 10 秒前
  • 20 分钟后
  • 1 天前
  • 5 周前
  • 2 个月前

基本上忠实地保留最高数量级(并且优先考虑,仅在超过其中 2 个单位时上调单位 - 5 周而不是 1 个月).

Basically faithfully preserving the highest order of magnitude (and by preference, only shifting up units when passing 2 of those units - 5 weeks instead of 1 month).


Though I could live with a library that had less control and even more friendly dates like:

  • 昨天
  • 明天
  • 上周
  • 几分钟前
  • 几个小时后


Any popular libraries for this?


自从我写了这个答案,一个众所周知的可用库是 moment.js.

Since I wrote this answer, a well known library available is moment.js.


There are libraries available, but it is trivial to implement it yourself. Just use a handful of conditions.

假设 date 是一个实例化的 Date 对象,用于您要与之进行比较的时间.

Assume date is an instantiated Date object for the time you want to make a comparison against.

// Make a fuzzy time
var delta = Math.round((+new Date - date) / 1000);

var minute = 60,
    hour = minute * 60,
    day = hour * 24,
    week = day * 7;

var fuzzy;

if (delta < 30) {
    fuzzy = 'just then.';
} else if (delta < minute) {
    fuzzy = delta + ' seconds ago.';
} else if (delta < 2 * minute) {
    fuzzy = 'a minute ago.'
} else if (delta < hour) {
    fuzzy = Math.floor(delta / minute) + ' minutes ago.';
} else if (Math.floor(delta / hour) == 1) {
    fuzzy = '1 hour ago.'
} else if (delta < day) {
    fuzzy = Math.floor(delta / hour) + ' hours ago.';
} else if (delta < day * 2) {
    fuzzy = 'yesterday';


You would need to adapt this to handle future dates.
