打开 Javascript 文件时 Visual Studio 2015 崩溃

2022-01-12 00:00:00 crash javascript visual-studio-2015

每次我使用 Visual Studio 2015 Pro RTM 打开 Javascript 文件时,它都会崩溃并重新启动.没有错误信息.

Every time I open a Javascript file with Visual Studio 2015 Pro RTM it crashes and restarts. No error messages.


I did a repair but I haven't tried uninstalling and reinstalling yet. Is anyone else having this problem?


好吧,我终于想通了.它确实与 _references.js 文件有关.

Ok I finally figured it out. It does have something to do with the _references.js file.

我必须清除我的 _references.js 文件.在我清除该文件的内容后,Visual Studio 在打开 javascript 文件时将不再崩溃.

I had to clear out my _references.js file. After I had cleared out the contents of that file, visual studio would no longer crash when opening up javascript files.

这确实有效,但您可能会在 javascript 中丢失一些智能感知.当我打开一个未包含在 _references.js 文件中的 js 文件(如果其中有条目)时,就会出现此问题.我所要做的就是右键单击 _references.js 文件并单击更新 Javascript 引用",它工作正常.

This does work but you could lose your some of your intellisense in javascript. The issue occurs when I opened a js file that was not included in the _references.js file if there are entries in there. All I had to do is right click the _references.js file and click "Update Javascript References" and it worked fine.

