如何检查 IE Drag &放弃对任何元素的支持

2022-01-11 00:00:00 drag-and-drop internet-explorer html


Is there a way to check if a user agent supports drag & drop of a particular element (div, tr,...)?

我有一个带有可拖动表格行的表格,它在 Chrome 中运行良好.但是由于 Internet Explorer(最高版本 9)只支持图像和链接(以及其他一些)的拖动,我想在表格行内给它一个小的锚点拖动句柄.我的代码如下所示:

I've got a table with draggable table rows, which works fine in Chrome. But since Internet Explorer (up to version 9) only supports dragging of images and links (and a few others), I wanted to give it a little anchor drag handle inside the table row instead. My code looks something like this:

    <tr draggable="true">
        <td><a class="drag-handle"></a> Hello World</td>


$('tr[draggable]').each(function() {
    // Remove draggable="true" from <tr>
    $(this).attr('draggable', '');
    // Add draggable="true" to <a class="drag-handle">
    $(this).find('.drag-handle').attr('draggable', 'true');

显然,要真正完成这项工作还有很多工作要做,但要点是:如果用户的客户端不支持拖动 a (IE<10),则给用户一个拖动的东西.

Obviously, there is a lot more to do to actually make this work, but you get the gist: giving the user a drag thingy if their client doesn't support dragging of a (IE<10).


Now i want to do the replacement only if the user's client doesn't support dragging of table rows. Is there any known feature detection for that?


来自 检测 javascript 中的 HTML5 拖放支持:

if('draggable' in document.createElement('span')) {
    alert("Drag support detected");

感谢 Mark Rhodes 的提示!还要感谢 micha 指出我的 jQuery 错误 (removeAttr('draggable') 而不是attr('draggable')).

Thanks to Mark Rhodes for the tip! Also thanks to micha for pointing out my jQuery error (removeAttr('draggable') instead of attr('draggable')).
