为什么 HTML5 拖放功能在 Firefox 中不起作用?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 drag-and-drop firefox javascript

我已将事件绑定到不同的元素,当我在除 Firefox 之外的所有浏览器中拖动它们时,它按预期工作.然而,在 Firefox 中,它根本不起作用.唯一触发的事件是 dragstart,其他事件都不会触发.怎么回事?

I have bound events to different elements, and when I drag them in all browsers, except Firefox, it works as expected. In firefox, however, it doesn't work at all. The only event that fires is dragstart, and none of the other events fire. What's going on?


我没有使用 jQuery,所以删除了 originalEvent 部分并将格式更改为文本(或 IE 有问题),并且它有效:

I'm not using jQuery, so removed the originalEvent portion and changed the format to text (or IE had issues), and it works:

event.dataTransfer.setData('text', 'anything');  

在 drop 事件中确保调用:

In the drop event make sure to call:



Or it will jump to anything.com.
