如何防止子元素干扰 HTML5 拖放事件?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 drag-and-drop javascript html

我有一个 <div> 放置目标,我已将 'drop' 和 'dragover' 事件附加到该目标.<div> 包含锚标记内的图像(简单地说:<div><a><img/></a></div>).目标的子元素似乎阻止触发drop"或dragover"事件.只有当被拖动的元素在目标上方而不是在其子元素上方时,这两个事件才会按预期触发.

I have a <div> drop target that I have attached 'drop' and 'dragover' events to. The <div> contains an image inside an anchor tag (simplistically: <div><a><img /></a></div>). The child elements of the target seem to block the 'drop' or 'dragover' events from being triggered. Only when the dragged element is over the target, but NOT over its child elements, are both events triggered as expected.

我想要实现的行为是,无论是否存在子元素,都会在目标 <div> 上的任何位置触发 'dragover' 和 'drop' 事件.

The behavior I would like to achieve is that the 'dragover' and 'drop' events are triggered anywhere over the target <div>, regardless of the existence of child elements.


您可以在 CSS 中为所有子级禁用指针事件.

You can disable the pointer-events in CSS for all children.

.targetDiv * {
    pointer-events: none;
