在 Nodejs 中使用 Jasmine 测试 promise 是否被解决或拒绝

2022-01-11 00:00:00 node.js jasmine javascript promise

我知道如何在 Mocha 中做到这一点,但想知道如何在 Jasmine 中做到这一点.我试过这个

I know how to do it in Mocha but want to know how to do it with Jasmine. I tried this

describe('test promise with jasmine', function() {
    it('expects a rejected promise', function() {
        var promise = getRejectedPromise();

        // return expect(promise).toBe('rejected');
        return expect(promise.inspect().state).toBe('rejected');


However, the state is always pending and, of course, the test fails. I couldn't find any example online that I could make it work.


Can someone please help me with this?



要使用 jasmine 测试异步代码,您应该使用 它的异步语法,例如:

To test asynchronous code with jasmine you should use its async syntax, e.g.:

describe('test promise with jasmine', function(done) {
    var promise = getRejectedPromise();

    promise.then(function() {
      // Promise is resolved
      done(new Error('Promise should not be resolved'));
    }, function(reason) {
      // Promise is rejected
      // You could check rejection reason if you want to
      done(); // Success
