标签 Protractor + Jasmine 运行套件

2022-01-11 00:00:00 protractor jasmine javascript cucumberjs

我正在尝试找出一种方法,以与 cucumberJSprotractor 相同的方式,或者更好地说,类似的方式使用标记选项,但是使用 Jasmine,有没有办法标记不同的场景,例如:@smoke@regression 等.然后告诉控制台与那些一起运行?

I'm trying to figure out a way to use in the same way, or better said, similar way, the tagging options that cucumberJS has with protractor, but with Jasmine, is there a way to tag the different scenarios, like: @smoke, @regression, etc.. and then tell on console to run with those?

我拒绝使用 Cucumber,因为它的支持似乎越来越不稳定!

I'm declining to use Cucumber, since it's support it's seems to be getting flaky!



使用 jasmine2,您可以使用正则表达式过滤测试.也许你可以在你的测试中添加@smoke、@regressions 之类的东西,然后只通过传递 grep 标志来运行这些:

With jasmine2 you can filter tests using a regular expression. Maybe you can add something like @smoke, @regressions to your tests and then only run those ones by passing the grep flag:

it('should do stuff @smoke', function() {

然后通过 grep 标志运行量角器:

Then run protractor passing the grep flag:

量角器 conf.js --grep='@smoke'
