用 moment.js 模拟茉莉花日期

2022-01-11 00:00:00 jasmine javascript momentjs

我在我的应用程序中使用 moment.js 作为日期/时间,但它似乎不能很好地与 Jasmine 的模拟功能配合使用.我在下面整理了一个测试套件来显示我的问题:

I'm using moment.js for date/time in my application, but it seems like it doesn't play well with Jasmine's mocking capabilities. I've put together a test suite below that shows my issue:

jasmine.clock().mockDate 似乎暂时不起作用,而对于 Date 却可以正常工作.

jasmine.clock().mockDate doesn't seem to work for moment, while it works fine for Date.

describe('Jasmine tests', function () {
    beforeEach(function() {

    afterEach(function() {

    // Pass
    it('uses the mocked time with Date', function() {
        var today = new Date('2015-10-19');
        expect(new Date().valueOf()).toEqual(today.valueOf());

    // Fail
    it('uses the mocked time with moment', function() {
        var today = moment('2015-10-19');


为什么 Date 能按预期工作,而 moment 不能?moment 不是在底层使用 Date 吗?

Why does Date work as expected while moment does not? Isn't moment using Date under the hood?

使用 Jasmine 模拟 moment 的正确方法是什么?

What is the right way to mock moment using Jasmine?


jasmine.clock().mockDate 期望 Date 作为输入.Datemoment 不完全兼容.如果您在规范本身中提供要模拟的日期,您可以简单地使用 Date 代替.

jasmine.clock().mockDate expects Date as input. Date and moment are not fully compatible. If you provide the to-be-mocked date in the spec itself you could simply use Date there instead.

如果您的代码生成要模拟的时刻,或者您更愿意使用时刻 API,请查看 moment.toDate().此方法返回 Date 对象支持片刻.

If your code generates a moment you want to mock, or you'd rather use the moment API, take a look at moment.toDate(). This method returns the Date object backing a moment.

it('uses the mocked time with moment', function() {
    var today = moment('2015-10-19').toDate();
