Karma-Jasmine:如何正确监视 Modal?


我正在对我的 Angular/Ionic 应用程序进行单元测试.

I am unit testing my Angular / Ionic app.

我遇到了模态问题.目前我可以测试模态是否已被调用.到此为止.我无法测试模态的正确 show() 和 hide() 方法.

I am having troubles with the modal. At the moment i can test that the modal has been called. That's all so far. I cannot test the proper show() and hide() method of the modal.


TypeError: $scope.modal_login.show is not a function
Error: show() method does not exist

TypeError: $scope.modal_login.hide is not a function
Error: hide() method does not exist


I think it depends entirely on the spy. I don't know how to properly spy on the modal, and i think that once that is done, everything will work fine.



$scope.open_login_modal = function() 
    var temp = $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html',{scope: $scope});

    temp.then(function(modal) { 
        $scope.modal_login = modal;

        $scope.for_test_only = true;

$scope.close_login_modal = function() 


Note: the code of open_login_modal function has been refactored to facilitate the test. The original code was:

$scope.open_login_modal = function() 
    $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', {
        scope: $scope
    }).then(function(modal) {

        $scope.modal_login = modal;


describe('App tests', function() 

    function fakeTemplate() 
        return { 
            then: function(modal){
                $scope.modal_login = modal;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootScope_)
        $controller = _$controller_;
        $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
        $scope = _$rootScope_.$new();

        $ionicModal = 
            fromTemplateUrl: jasmine.createSpy('$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl').and.callFake(fakeTemplate)

        var controller = $controller('MainCtrl', { $scope: $scope, $rootScope: $rootScope, $ionicModal: $ionicModal });

    describe('Modal tests', function() 
            spyOn($scope.modal_login, 'show'); // NOT WORKING
            spyOn($scope.modal_login, 'hide'); // NOT WORKING

        it('should open login modal', function() 
            expect($ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl).toHaveBeenCalled(); // OK
            expect($ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl.calls.count()).toBe(1); // OK
            expect($scope.modal_login.show()).toHaveBeenCalled(); // NOT PASS
            expect($scope.for_test_only).toEqual(true); // NOT PASS

        it('should close login modal', function() 
            expect($scope.modal_login.hide()).toHaveBeenCalled(); // NOT PASS


从代码 $scope.for_test_only 可以看出,它应该等于 true,但无法识别.我收到此错误消息:

As you can see from the code $scope.for_test_only it should be equal to true but is not recognized. I get this error message instead:

Expected undefined to equal true.

show() 和 hide() 方法也是如此.测试中看不到它们.

The same happens to the show() and hide() method. They are not seen by the test.


And i think because they are not declared in the spy.



How can i properly spy on a modal?



这里的问题可以推断为如何正确地窥探 Promise.您在这里非常正确.

The question here could be extrapolated to how to properly spy on a promise. You are very much on the right track here.


However, if you want to test that whatever your callback to the success of the promise is called, you have to execute two steps:

  1. 模拟服务(在您的情况下为 $ionicModal)并返回一些假函数
  2. 在该假函数中,执行生产代码传递给您的回调.


//create a mock of the service (step 1)
var $ionicModal = jasmine.createSpyObj('$ionicModal', ['fromTemplateUrl']);

//create an example response which just calls your callback (step2)
var successCallback = {
   then: function(callback){


当然,如果您不想自己维护承诺,您可以随时使用 $q:

Of course, you can always use $q if you don't want to be maintaining the promise on your own:

//in your beforeeach
var $ionicModal = jasmine.createSpyObj('$ionicModal', ['fromTemplateUrl']);
//create a mock of the modal you gonna pass and resolve at your fake resolve
var modalMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('modal', ['show', 'hide']);
    return $q.when(modalMock);

//in your test
//call scope $digest to trigger the angular digest/apply lifecycle
//expect stuff to happen
