在 Jasmine 测试中将对 console.log() 的调用重定向到标准输出

我通过 jasmine-maven-plugin 使用 Jasmine,我希望在 Maven 构建输出中看到 console.log() 消息.有没有办法做到这一点?

I'm using Jasmine via the jasmine-maven-plugin, and I would like to see console.log() messages in the Maven build output. Is there a way to achieve this?

如果无法重定向 console.log(),是否有任何其他方法可以从我的测试中记录日志,以便它们显示在 Maven 构建输出中?

If console.log() cannot be redirected, is there any other way to log from my tests so that they show up on the Maven build output?

我正在 Jenkins 上以无头方式运行这些测试,并且想要一种从测试中获取一些调试输出的方法.

I'm running these tests on Jenkins in a headless fashion, and would like a means to get some debug output from the tests.




来自测试 javascripts.

From the test javascripts.
