如何在另一个方法中创建的对象上使用 Jasmine 间谍?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 testing jasmine javascript spy

鉴于以下代码片段,您将如何创建 Jasmine spyOn 测试以确认 doSomething 在您运行 MyFunction 时被调用?

Given the following code snippet, how would you create a Jasmine spyOn test to confirm that doSomething gets called when you run MyFunction?

function MyFunction() {
    var foo = new MyCoolObject();

这是我的测试的样子.不幸的是,在评估 spyOn 调用时出现错误:

Here's what my test looks like. Unfortunately, I get an error when the spyOn call is evaluated:

describe("MyFunction", function () {
    it("calls doSomething", function () {

        spyOn(MyCoolObject, "doSomething");


Jasmine 此时似乎无法识别 doSomething 方法.有什么建议吗?

Jasmine doesn't appear to recognize the doSomething method at that point. Any suggestions?


当您调用 new MyCoolObject() 时,您会调用 MyCoolObject 函数并使用相关原型.这意味着当您 spyOn(MyCoolObject, "doSomething") 时,您不是在 new 调用返回的对象上设置间谍,而是在可能的 MyCoolObject 函数本身的>doSomething 函数.

When you call new MyCoolObject() you invoke the MyCoolObject function and get a new object with the related prototype. This means that when you spyOn(MyCoolObject, "doSomething") you're not setting up a spy on the object returned by the new call, but on a possible doSomething function on the MyCoolObject function itself.


You should be able to do something like:

it("calls doSomething", function() {
  var originalConstructor = MyCoolObject,
  spyOn(window, 'MyCoolObject').and.callFake(function() {
    spiedObj = new originalConstructor();
    spyOn(spiedObj, 'doSomething');
    return spiedObj;
