
2022-01-11 00:00:00 jasmine javascript karma-jasmine

使用 Jasmine 是否可以测试 2 个数组是否包含相同的元素,但顺序不一定相同?即

With Jasmine is there a way to test if 2 arrays contain the same elements, but are not necessarily in the same order? ie

array1 = [1,2,3];
array2 = [3,2,1];

expect(array1).toEqualIgnoreOrder(array2);//should be true


如果只是整数或者其他原始值,可以sort() 比较之前的它们.

If it's just integers or other primitive values, you can sort() them before comparing.


如果它的对象,将其与 map() 函数提取将要比较的标识符

If its objects, combine it with the map() function to extract an identifier that will be compared

array1 = [{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}];
array2 = [{id:3}, {id:2}, {id:1}];

expect(array1.map(a => a.id).sort()).toEqual(array2.map(a => a.id).sort());
