
2022-01-11 00:00:00 jasmine javascript

例如对于输入olly olly in come free"


olly: 2在:1来:1免费:1


var words = require('./word-count');

describe("words()", function() {
  it("counts one word", function() {
    var expectedCounts = { word: 1 };

//more tests here

  1. 如何从我的 word-count.js 文件开始?创建一个方法 words() 或一个模块 Words() 并在其中创建一个 expectedCount 方法并导出它?

  1. How do I start in my word-count.js file? Create a method words() or a module Words() and make an expectedCount method in there and export it?


Do I treat the string as an array or an object? In the case of objects, how do I start breaking them into words and iterate for the count?


function count(str) {
  var obj = {};
  str.split(" ").forEach(function(el, i, arr) {
    obj[el] = obj[el] ? ++obj[el] : 1;
  return obj;

console.log(count("olly olly in come free"));


This code should get just what you want.
For more understanding on the code I would advice you to go through array prototype functions and string prototype functions.
For simple understanding of what I`m doing here:

  1. 创建一个计数函数,该函数返回一个计数所有单词出现次数的对象.
  2. 使用 split(" ") 根据提供数组的空格分割字符串.
  3. 使用 forEach 方法遍历 spitted 数组中的所有元素.
  4. 三元运算符 :? 检查值是否已经存在,是否加一或赋值为 1.
  1. Create a count function which returns an object of count of all occurrences of words.
  2. Split the string using split(" ") based on a space which gives an array.
  3. Use forEach method to iterate through all the elements in the spitted array.
  4. Ternary operator :? to check if value already exists, if it does increment by one or assign it to 1.

