如何使用 jasmine 监视 getter 属性?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 jasmine javascript

如何使用 jasmine 监视 getter 属性?

How can I spy on a getter property using jasmine?

var o = { get foo() {}, };

spyOn(o, 'foo').and.returnValue('bar'); // Doesn't work.

这也不起作用 AFAICT:

This also does not work AFAICT:

spyOn(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, 'foo'), 'get').and.returnValue('bar');


从 Jasmine 2.6 开始,这已经可以通过 spyOnProperty.要监视 foo 属性的访问器,请执行以下操作:

Since Jasmine 2.6, this has been possible with spyOnProperty. To spy on the accessors for the foo property, do:

spyOnProperty(o, 'foo')

这允许您将访问器属性的 set 和/或 get 访问器函数替换为 spy 函数.您可以指定 or setget 仅作为第三个参数:

This allows you to replace the set and/or get accessor functions for an accessor property with a spy function. You can specify or set or get only as a third argument:

spyOnProperty(o, 'foo', 'get')

如果你卡在使用早期版本并且由于某种原因无法升级,你可以合并 拉取添加此功能的请求到您的本地代码副本中.

If you are stuck using an earlier version and cannot upgrade for some reason, you may be able to merge the pull request that added this feature into your local copy of the code.
