Google Apps 脚本日历服务:仅获取所有重复(全天)事件的第一个事件

除了 这个问题 我想问一下如何有效地只检索所有重复(全天)事件的第一个事件.为每个事件调用函数 findFirstEvent() 似乎不合理.所以我的方法是过滤所有事件的数组.

In addition to this question I'd like to ask how to efficiently retrieve only the first events of all recurring (all day) events. To call the function findFirstEvent() for each single event seems not to be reasonable. So my approach would be to filter the array of all events.

var cal=CalendarApp.getCalendarById("Calendar Id");
var startTime=new Date(1850,0,1);
var endTime=new Date();
var events=cal.getEvents(startTime, endTime);
var firstEvents=events.filter(onlyFirstEvents);

function onlyFirstEvents() {

我最终真正需要的是一个数组,其中事件标题为键,Date 对象为值.

What I actually need in the end is an array with the event titles as keys and Date objects as values.


  • 您想从 Google 日历中检索所有定期活动和全天活动.
  • 特别是,您要检索重复事件的开始事件的日期对象.
  • 您希望使用 Google Apps 脚本实现此目的.
  • 如果我的理解是正确的,那么这个答案呢?请认为这只是几个可能的答案之一.

    If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.

    • 本例使用isRecurringEvent()isAllDayEvent()方法.
    • getEvents() 按降序返回事件.使用它,可以检索到您期望的结果.
    • In this case, the methods of isRecurringEvent() and isAllDayEvent() are used.
    • getEvents() returns the events with the descending order. Using this, the result you expect is retrieved.


    When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.

    var firstEvents=events.filter(onlyFirstEvents);


    var firstEvents = events.reduce(function(ar, e) {
      var id = e.getId();
      if (e.isRecurringEvent() && e.isAllDayEvent() && !ar.some(function(f) {return f.eventId == id})) {
        ar.push({eventTitle: e.getTitle(), eventId: id, startDate: e.getAllDayStartDate(), endDate: e.getAllDayEndDate()});
      return ar;
    }, []);




    When above script is run, the following value is returned.

        "eventTitle": "###",
        "eventId": "###",
        "startDate": ### date object ###,
        "endDate": ### date object ###


    • isRecurringEvent()
    • isAllDayEvent()李>
    • getId()
    • 如果我误解了您的问题并且这不是您想要的方向,我深表歉意.

      If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

      • 所以你会 for 循环遍历结果数组 firstEvents 以获取所需的数组,其中事件标题作为键,日期对象作为值?


      From this, I cannot understand whether you want an array or an object. So I would like to propose 2 patterns. In this case, I thought that firstEvents of the current script can be used.


      In this pattern, an array, which includes that the event titles and the start date object are the key and value, respectively, is returned. Please modify as follows.

      var firstEvents = events.reduce(function(ar, e) {
        var id = e.getId();
        if (e.isRecurringEvent() && e.isAllDayEvent() && !ar.some(function(f) {return f.eventId == id})) {
          ar.push({eventTitle: e.getTitle(), eventId: id, startDate: e.getAllDayStartDate(), endDate: e.getAllDayEndDate()});
        return ar;
      }, []);
      firstEvents = {
        var obj = {};
        obj[e.eventTitle] = e.startDate;
        return obj;



      Pattern 2:

      In this pattern, an object, which includes that the event titles and the start date object are the key and value, respectively, is returned.

      var firstEvents = events.reduce(function(ar, e) {
        var id = e.getId();
        if (e.isRecurringEvent() && e.isAllDayEvent() && !ar.some(function(f) {return f.eventId == id})) {
          ar.push({eventTitle: e.getTitle(), eventId: id, startDate: e.getAllDayStartDate(), endDate: e.getAllDayEndDate()});
        return ar;
      }, []);
      firstEvents = firstEvents.reduce(function(obj, e) {
        obj[e.eventTitle] = e.eventTitle in obj ? obj[e.eventTitle].concat(e.startDate) : [e.startDate];
        return obj;
      }, {});
